Hip operations and vascular dementia
Thought I had seen the last of hospitals for a while after mum died in January, but no chance, gan gan fell and broke his hip just under a fortnight ago so once again we are to-ing and fro-ing every day to visit.Amazingly they did a hip replacement operation the day after his accident and that is healing well but the poor old sod is even more confused than usual which means he is very unsetttled and distressed which is hard on the family ...and the hospital staff...although they are doig all they can to make him comfortable and try to find out if there is any other reason other than progression of his vascular dementia for his increased distress.
Who knows what the next steps are to be, he cannot even remember having had an op nor does he recognise his surroundings as being a hospital..a score of 4/35 on the mini mental state test does not bode well for his being able to be a good patient and help work towards restoring his already limited mobilty.....
Labels: alzheimers and vascular dementia, Hip operations