Sunday, January 29, 2006

Alzheimer's drug could make everyone brainier

Alzheimer's drugs side-effects stomach pains and sickness

Nootropics A generic term for "smart drugs" which claim to boost cognitive abilities. From noos for mind, and tropos for bend.

Alzheimer's drugs: Prescription-only pills such as donepezil designed to slow the effects of Alzheimer's, now sold illegally online to improve brain abilities in healthy adults

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Alzheimer's drug could make everyone brainier: "A new generation of 'smart pills' known as nootropics which could make people think sharper and remember things better could be available in chemists within a decade, education specialists at a Bristol University meeting heard this week.

The drugs include prescription-only medications normally used to treat Alzheimer's disease and dementia in older people which some studies have suggested also improve memory and thinking processes in fit adults...

The drugs are already available on the internet, circumventing prescription controls. Sites based in America advertise a range of prescription-only pills for sale including Hydergine, the treatment for Alzheimer's for as little as $15.10 (£8.48) for a month's supply and deprenyl, a Parkinson's disease drug, for $45 a month. One website, Offshore Pharmacy, is registered to an address in the Channel Islands, though it says that it does not ship drugs to the UK.

Roy Jones, an Alzheimer's medication specialist at Bath University, said: "The general thought is that these substances work by increasing brain metabolism, circulation and introduce antioxidants which protect from damage. Any compound used or considered in the treatment of Alzheimer's will have been considered as a smart pill."

Many Alzheimer's drugs have serious side-effects, including stomach pains and sickness, he warned. One participant in the German trials was forced to drop out after experiencing severe side-effects including dizzyness and nausea.




At 3:17 PM, Blogger al fin said...

I posted recently on "Smart Drugs" with a lot of links for further reading. Donepezil, Modafinil, and Ampakines were featured in my post. Modafinil and Ampakines and drugs derived from them stand to revolutionise treatment of dementia.

Here is the link to my posting.
I have several other postings dealing with Alzheimer's as well.


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