Dementia – a living death - Sunderland Echo
A heartbreaking first hand account of living with and caring for a partner with Alzheimers.Dementia – a living death - Sunderland Echo: "It started with little things, like Audrey Shaw popping teabags in the kettle, and missing numbers on her bingo card.
'It was my friend who noticed it and said 'There's something wrong with Audrey. She's never missed a number before,'' says her husband of 47 years, Brian, who never realised it was the start of dementia and the heartbreak of his life."
For now gan gan is still back in his extra care apartment following the succesful hip replacement (needed because of a fall) but while in hospital he could not recognise the place as a hospital despite all the visual and other clues we all would process unthinkingly to call the place a hospital. He always seemed more comfortable in the apartment even if he did mistake for a station or a hotel at times..
This week however he seems ever more confused and insistent that he does not know where he is whereas before he would settle when his furniture etc was brought to his attention and told the name of the village and town but no more. it seems to be a long slow spiral always downwards and very had on all the family. Where it all will go next is anyones guess...
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